Tech-Enabled Community Resilience

A Model for Technology-Enabled Community Resilience

Meaghan Kennedy1, Michaela Bonnett1, and Teri Garstka2

1Orange Sparkle Ball, 2Social Innovation Labs, The University of Kansas

Series: Sunbelt 2024

Original Publication Date: June 25th, 2024

Publisher: Orange Sparkle Ball


A Model for Technology-Enabled Community Resilience

Tech-Enabled Community Resilience is an innovative model designed to enhance resilience and optimize impact in complex systems such as communities and ecosystems. The model leverages social network analysis and technology to visualize network dynamics, measure interactions, and implement targeted interventions.
Model Structure
The approach consists of two key stages: a Startup Phase focused on assembling champions and co-creating a shared vision, and a Steady-state Phase involving iterative measurement and intervention. By utilizing technology platforms for data collection and visualization, the model provides near real-time understanding of network functioning.
Advantages Over Traditional Approaches
Traditional resource mapping approaches provide a limited understanding of the network based on a static understanding of resources and a lack of complexity about network function. The Tech-Enabled Community Resilience model provides for a more dynamic, systems-thinking perspective. The model allows for precision interventions based on network structure, potentially influencing community-level outcomes.
Case Studies and Research Findings
Case studies from social care networks and economic development initiatives demonstrate the model's applicability across various contexts. Research findings linking network cohesion to improved community outcomes during crises, and network structure to increased innovation in ecosystems, underscore the model's potential impact.
Future Directions
Further model refinement includes the development of a portfolio of network-based interventions, integration of real-time data sources, and strategies for adaptive governance structures. This model represents a significant advancement in how to understand and harness complex systems for community resilience and impact optimization.

Citation List

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Using Social Network Analysis to Link Community Health and Network Strength

Michaela Bonnett1, Chimdi Ezeigwe1, Meaghan Kennedy1, and Teri Garstka2

1Orange Sparkle Ball, 2Center for Public Partnerships and Research, The University of Kansas

Series: Tech-Enabled Community Resilience

Article #2

Original Publication Date: July 14th, 2023

Publisher: Orange Sparkle Ball


Social network analysis (SNA) is a technique used to analyze social networks, whether it be composed of people, organizations, physical locations, or objects. It is being increasingly applied across a variety of sectors to gain insight into patterns of behavior and connectivity, the flow of information and behaviors, and to track and predict the effectiveness of interventions or programs. A key area associated with network strength using SNA is the health and wellness of individuals and communities. Both network strength and health and wellness are measured in many ways, which can obfuscate the association, so more consistency and further research is required. Despite this, the existing research using SNA to link characteristics of social networks to health and wellness find that stronger, more connected networks tend to be associated with better health outcomes. These results also present opportunities and insights for effective program implementation in response to disasters, to increase resilience, and to improve outcomes for individuals and communities.

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Linking Community Resilience to Health and Wellness

Natalie Vaziri1, Michaela Bonnett1, Meaghan Kennedy1, and Teri Garstka2

1Orange Sparkle Ball, 2Center for Public Partnerships and Research, The University of Kansas

Series: Tech-Enabled Community Resilience

Article #1

Original Publication Date: July 14th, 2023

Publisher: Orange Sparkle Ball


Community Resilience (CR) is a topic on many people’s minds these days, and represents a community’s and an individual’s ability to weather adversity, as well as to adapt and recover. It also represents a community’s strength and readiness to respond to changes and capitalize on opportunities. Adaptation and recovery are intrinsically linked to the health and wellness of a community or individual, and measuring the link between CR and a community’s health is a point of key importance. Community resilience is complex, so scholars and stakeholders have developed a variety of models and metrics to measure and identify it. Many of these are linked to health and wellness outcomes within the community, providing a foundation for the link between the resilience of a community and the health of the people. Further research is required as the nature of CR is better defined, but current results provide support for using the measurement of CR to identify key points of intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of communities.

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