THE innovation stack


We know what we do doesn’t fit cleanly into a box…

Our work is designed to consistently consider the four layers necessary to create change: the ecosystem, the initiative or platform, pilots or projects and the people who are championing change.

And, we know that storytelling is the key to successful change management. So, we build standard communication milestones into every project.



We believe that problems are the entry point for most projects and that even the most complex can be tackled through iterative steps. We focus on designing and running pilots as a means to understand smaller parts of larger challenges.

While our backgrounds span design, business, and public health, we prefer to enter all of our work with a generalist mindset. We are not focused on subject matter expertise, but rather stay deliberately broad in our thinking. By working across sectors, we are constantly learning and making new connections for our clients and ourselves. Everyone benefits from our ability to connect seemingly unrelated dots.

Interested in understanding more about Open Innovation, a fundamental tenet of our work? We created a “What is Open Innovation?” animation to simplify some of the basic principles of Open Innovation.