Macon Ecosystem Mapping Event at the Middle Georgia Regional Library

Last month, OSB team members Ashley Touchton, Amy Qu, Michaela Bonnett, and Nix Fisch had the great pleasure of presenting at the Middle Georgia Regional Library to share the results of our Macon Ecosystem Mapping. The resulting insights and data can be viewed in this live Macon Ecosystem Dashboard.

In addition to explaining fundamentals of Social Network Analysis techniques and potential applications, our team gave a live demo for attendees to go through the survey and mapping process in real time. Audience members were able to see how they were connected to others at the event, creating their own live network map.

We are grateful for this opportunity not just to share our work, but to engage with the local community and connect with so many other innovators! At Orange Sparkle Ball, we believe that innovation can take place anywhere but it is most likely to create lasting impact when it has the full support of a diverse, interconnected community.

“After several months of partnering with Macon Black Tech, we finally had the opportunity to share with the community the results of our network analysis. It was a wonderful experience engaging with all the audience members in person to field their questions and was a great reminder of how important community engagement is to successful innovation initiatives.”

— Amy Qu, Innovation Strategist

“It has been wonderful to work alongside Macon Black Tech to continue building Orange Sparkle Ball's ecosystem mapping tools. By understanding innovation behaviors and connectivity within an ecosystem, we can begin to make educated and informed interventions that strengthen and advance the community as a whole. Having the opportunity to present the tool and results directly to the innovation community in Macon gave us wonderful insights into how these resources could be used in new ways to help individuals, businesses, and the ecosystem!”

— Ashley Touchton, Partner

“ It was so encouraging to watch community members in Macon literally lean-in to the presentation of this data. The room was full of innovators in Macon’s ecosystem that were all eager to participate in the surveying process and who really took hold of the data presented and immediately found ways to apply it to their local community initiatives.”

— Nix Fisch, Digital Media Strategist

We are especially excited to continue engaging with our partners at Macon Black Tech and see how social network analysis can continue to be leveraged for ecosystem growth in Macon. Stay tuned for more future updates as our body of work continues to grow!

Written by Amy Qu, Innovation Strategist