OSB at the Georgia Tech 2024 Launchpad Student Showcase

Recently, our team had the opportunity to attend the Georgia Tech Industrial Design Launchpad event—an end-of-semester showcase where students exhibit their semester's work. As some of our team are alumni of the program, the event holds special significance for us, offering a chance to reconnect with old friends and partners and witness the innovative projects of current students.

The 2024 Launchpad event was a diverse display of projects, ranging from product prototypes to digital designs. Each exhibit reflected the dedication and hard work of the students involved. Our teammates enjoyed the hands-on experience and were encouraged to see all the human centered design principles that we enact in our own work on full display in these student projects.

“Launchpad is an event I'll always look forward to. It's a beautiful celebration of student innovation and creativity, and I feel an immense sense of pride and awe for the work that goes on in that building... Don't get me wrong, as a student, entering the Design building usually induced feelings of anxiety, stress, and sometimes dread, but as an alumni on the other side, it's nothing but joy. And for me, having the opportunity to see my fellow alumni and studio mates as well as my favorite professors and staff members is the biggest inducement of all.”

– Hannah Ranieri, Innovation Strategist

In addition to witnessing and experiencing the talent of the current students, Launchpad is an annual opportunity for our team to stay connected to and network with the wonderful staff, fellow alumni, and industry partners of the GTID program. It is always a pleasure to see our favorite professor and long-time partner Steve Chininis, amongst other professors and alumni, including department chair EunSook Kwon. We greatly value our connection to the GTID program and are grateful for the wonderful evening of networking and inspiration.

We are already looking forward to the next Launchpad event! If you would like to read more about our ongoing relationship with Georgia Tech, you can read our blog here: Link

Written by Nix Fisch, Digital Media Strategist