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Protagoniste Network Working Session: Running Successful Pilots

PARTNER EVENT: Protagoniste Network Working Session

Are you working on a new community or tech initiative? 

You’ve heard of MVPs (Minimal Viable Products) but how do you test the viability, feasibility, and desirability of your project quickly, rigorously, and with less risk?

Pilots are a cost- and time-effective way of establishing measurable and credible results to attract partners, allies, and customers.

Meaghan Kennedy will walk us through how her agency Orange Sparkle Ball designs and runs successful pilots that build coalitions of support early on and pave the way for sustainable growth and impact.

In this interactive 90-minute workshop, you will (learning outcomes):

Design a right-sized pilot

  • Identifying the right questions

  • Strategic thinking processes to map out a series of pilots to reach the future state

  • Establishing KPIs and quick wins

Build a coalition of support

  • Mapping stakeholders and partners

  • Crafting a compelling narrative around shared value

  • Planning outreach and roll-out

Who is this for?

  • Mid-level designers aiming for senior or design lead positions

  • Designers seeking clarity on their unique value and career path

  • Creatives looking to enhance their professional brand and visibility

  • Folks interested in leveraging digital tools for thought leadership and content creation

About Meaghan

Meaghan’s experience intersects innovation, public health, and social entrepreneurship. After an epidemiology research career at CDC, she founded Orange Sparkle Ball, an innovation and impact consultancy that accelerates initiatives in the private and public sectors. With an acceleration methodology rooted in design thinking and change management, Orange Sparkle Ball focuses on open innovation, innovation program design, social entrepreneurship, and community activation.

Stay tuned for more information